Everyone is helping everyone to live the life they love.
Plantdreams is a community dedicated to empowering individuals and groups in the pursuit of their goals. Our mission is to help everyone live better lives. We do it because we believe everyone is happier and healthier when they have support, encouragement, and are making real progress in the direction they want to go. The highest purpose and potential will naturally lead to a better world. Plantdreams is here to help facilitate this growth.
We connect people to tools, resources, and coaches/consultants in order to get them on track and stay on track to create well mapped desired outcomes. We encourage and teach the use of creative economics (barter, trade, alternative currencies) to tap unused assets like time and skills, leveraging any and all powers to propel on the path. Our initial primary clients are low income individuals with a strong motivation for changing their lives.
We seek not to make huge profits, in fact right now we're working long hard hours for free. Our goal is to someday make a healthy enough income from this project to provide for our families and re-invest in the projects of our members. Our team and partners work from their own locations. When our organization grows large enough we will make most decisions using a peer-to-peer governance model called Sociocracy, because it's in line with permaculture principals and has proven to foster a healthier, happier, and more productive working community.
-Bring peers together for mutual accountability, encouragement, and teamwork.
-Connect anyone who'd like to work with a life coach - and when possible help them compoensate via barter/trade/ community currencies.
-Provide a platform for 'virtual mastermind groups' to collaborate and exchange support on each members stated missions.