Tuesday, 04 March 2014 16:29

Leverage the power of Mastermind by sharing your goals

Goal setting is powerful.  It gives us a map, so that we know what steps to take to get where we want to go.  And most journeys are not executed in solitude.  Some goals are very personal (like having a more loving love life) and these we would only want to share with the appropriate people (our partner and/or therapist) but most of our desires in life are much more likely to unfold if we let our goal setting tap the power of mastermind group intelligence.

Mastermind groups were made popular by the classis book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolian Hill, but the idea spans infinitly far beyond the quest for earning riches.  Mastermind groups help solve major world issues (read: Think Tank), they help students study together, communities improve their situation together, and countless other causes.  A mastermind group harnesses the power of group intelligence (a miracle in itself) and Napolian Hill defines a mastermind group as a "Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose." But we don't necessarily need to get formal about it.

Whenever you're sitting around, having coffee perhaps, with your family or friends discussing some aim that one of you has (or perhaps it's a shared aim) the brainstorming and cooperative problem solving are the fruits of the mastermind principle.

Sharing our goals with each other opens up new possibilities.  Someone might suggest we call a certain expert to get help with our project.  We might be given feedback to help us more clearly define or revise our goals.  My mother and certain friends are impeccable at encouraging me to pursue what I'm passionate about, and those conversations are a direct result of having 'public' goal setting.

If we know where you're headed, we can do our best to help you get there.


Here's an excellent article from goalguru.com, about why you should share your goals and with whom. Read it!



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